About Us


Ram, also known as Ramdev, has been teaching yoga and meditation for about 40 years.
Ramdev severely injured his back when he was a teenager, and since his early 20s has been passionate about somatic training and the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, for this has kept him mobile and pain-free.
He trained in yoga and meditation for 12 years with Swami Atmananda, in India, N. Ireland and his native Singapore. He has practised hatha yoga, raja yoga, shatkarma (cleansing practices), kriya yoga, jnana yoga and mouna (silence) and is an admirer of the work of the great thinker J. Krishnamurti.
Ram settled in our Yoga Centre in 1992. He subsequently trained with the European College of Bowen Studies and the London School of Sports Massage.
Ram also trained with the Feldenkrais International Training Centre. He is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner and member of the Feldenkrais Guild UK.
Kriya opened our Yoga Centre in 1986, when she returned from practising and teaching yoga in N. Ireland, India and Singapore. She lived with her first teacher, Swami Atmananda, for 12 years.
When she came back to England she wanted to create a place which could be a haven for local people, offering therapeutic practices as well as a friendly environment where people could feel at home.

Kriya is a qualified practitioner of the Buteyko Breathing Method. This is a modern technique which is very close to ancient yoga: the techniques are different, the way is different, but the goal is the same.